Market Place

As established and experienced antique and coin marketers, we have diligently and professionally set up a market place that is solely aimed at linking able buyers to willing sellers.

We have an extremely wide base and network of collectors who have varied interests in the industry ranging from those wishing to sell their coins and collections to those who are searching to acquire and buy their coins of choice and preferences.

Our market place is designed to favour easy usage and navigation and also allows all individuals to move through it swiftly. These enables all collectors both amateurs and professionals to find a match for their interests quickly and effectively.

If you are wishing to sell your item, the best place to check is in the buyers section. Similarly if you are searching for an item to buy, you simply and easily head to the sellers section.

All collectors are most welcome and invited to advertise any of their interests or items by coordinating with our customer care staff so that their requests are added on our market place.

For collectors who wish to engage in group work, we have the society section that features events in our Tuonyeshe Coin Auctions, Tokea Coin Exhibitions as well as our Shikana Coins Club.

To start you off, click on any of the links below so to move to your section of choice and preference.

Once you locate an item or person that matches your interests and desires, you will be required to take note of the adverts file number and immediately contact our customer care whereby you will then be furnished with further details on how to link up with the person or the item for immediate business.

All items offered for business and all people requesting to buy items are thoroughly counter checked by our verification team so to ensure only trusted, honest and traceable people make requests for business on our platform.

All users on our platforms are assured and guaranteed of meeting genuine and legitimate business engagements which have been professionally vetted to ensure safety and success of all users.


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